En DHITELfon, Sistema de Navegación / Radio Gps Mercedes GLK X204
    CARACTERÍSTICAS Tipo de caja: Tipo Bass Reflex Subwoofer de alto rendimiento de 12” (30cm) Potencia máxima: 1000W Potencia RMS: 300W Dimensiones Ø 324 x 660 mm Respuesta de frecuencia 28-200Hz Impedandia del altavoz: 4 ? Sensibilidad: 92dB/W (1m) Logo Alpine cosido Incluye soportes para la instalación y cinchas Rejilla protectora del Subwoofer de gran resistencia

    About us

    With 20 years of experience in the communications sector, car audio, car security systems, vehicle entertainment systems as well as wholesalers of the best brands and also an installation center with its own workshop. DHITELfon is today a reality resulting from work always seeking the best balance between quality, price and the shortest possible delivery times.

    We are


    Years of experience give us the knowledge to offer the best telephone service and the professionalism to carry out any type of multimedia installation: Navigation, security and entertainment in your vehicle.

    All our work has a two-year warranty, including materials, electronic and electrical components.

    En DHITELfon, Sistema Navegación / Radio Gps Volkswagen Golf VII.

    Trends and


    Mobile phones, browsers, alarms, accessories... hundreds of consumer technology, multimedia, entertainment products, the latest news always at DHITELfon.

    Distributors of the best hands-free brands for cars, car audio, multimedia and navigation, with the latest product developments from all our brands.

    Do not hesitate to consult us without obligation

    Our Services

    At DHITELfon you can find the answer to any need in telephone services, alarms, consumer technology, car audio and any other type of technological installation you want for your vehicle (alarms, multimedia, communication, audio...).

    The best service for installations in your vehicle and the best consumer technology products.

    Anti-theft device

    DHITELfon offers you security systems for your car, as well as the installation, repair or replacement of your vehicle's anti-theft alarm and security system.

    We are specialists in installing alarms in any type of vehicle. Fast, clean and with guarantees.


    A good sound system, a complete navigator, multimedia playback screens,... are equipment that always make the trip more pleasant and at DHITELfon, we install them regardless of the degree of complexity.

    We also repair and improve any installation that the vehicle incorporates, always with a high degree of professionalism and commitment to make your vehicle something better.


    As specialists in all types of consumer technology products and distributors of the best brands, we offer you multimedia items such as mp3, mp4, speakers, headphones, tablets, e-books, multimedia bracelets, navigators, radar detectors, the latest in urban mobility,…


    We are at your disposal to answer any type of query about any of the products and/or services that we offer, as well as to seek our collaboration and experience in Communication technology.


    Visit us

    Complete the following form and we will contact you as soon as possible!

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